Page name: chocolate election [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-21 04:12:01
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WELCOME TO THE FIRST ANUAL CHOCOLATE ELECTION!!!As u know there are alot of choco lovers out there so i decided to find out wich type would win in an election all u have to do is add ur name and go to VOTE!!But this is only for kicks so dont take it too seriously or someone is bound to get into a fight here and there..we all take our chocolate seriously...weve all had our days...

please note that u can only vote in the ballads!I do not want to get things confuzed and such so plz vote in the comments of the ballads!!thank you 4 shopping at chocolate election, come again^_^

Dont forget to thank the little people, a.k.a the founders:


   MILKvsWHITEvsOTHERS The ballads
  white chocolate supporters
  milk chocolate supporters
  election pins The banners(plz put some up! much obliged^_^)
  other chocolate supporters for the ppl who like different kinds of choco!

  wiki's and such...promoting wiki''s like this..and so on

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2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: hey wat about me no hug?>=(

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: Sick of Posers i have to promote it here cause i promoted it there and also [#9437] is nice!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: fine be that way

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *huggley monicey...bajillion o huggles=D*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: ohhh *cries*

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *huggles self*...i think i deserve a hug=p*nose in the air*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *takes back last comment*sry

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: YAY....i'll just delete it^_^

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: very sry

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: hurray

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: [elf3] just asked me why i ended the relation....i told him he was a that shallow?

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: so

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: no

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: btw, you never sent me his message.

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: no one likes a relationship with a psyco

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: just didnt want 2 be shallow....can u feel ur eyes sponge? i installed some glass ones^_^those should work 4 now...just dont trip!^____^lmao

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: i mean i dated a psyco that was also a shallow, dumb, guy who broke up wit me because he got bored and tired of me

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: lmao, I dun think it counts as shallow if it doesnt concern the way the person looks. I think that was just looking out for your ass.

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: u should know him ghost

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *_* *rolls eyes*.....still not over sully?

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: really know him

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: i over him

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: thanx sponge for that delightful image...*_*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: but i can still hold a grude*glares*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: lmao, koch is tyring to patch things up with me (unsucsessfully) and jorge isnt as much of a dick anymore. he's a lot nicer when youre both failing math *sob!!*

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: and i do agree...he is shallow....shallower than a drop of water....

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: hmmm..sounds like koch has a little crush....*points and laughs*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: who is jorge

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: like koch i know

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: im not sure how i feel about koch now...i just wanna be friends w/ him...but that would seem awkward...very awkward...good luck sponge^_^*still pointing and laughing*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: yea good luck wit tat sponge

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: Is he still saying good and bad things about me....he shouldnt do that....its confuzling

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: *kicks kelsie in the teath* charles is a freak!!!!! hes like stalking whitney!!!

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *joins monkey in a laughing state* 

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *shivers*O_O charles.....AHHH!!!!*runs away!*

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: is he still a pimp?

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: hold on a second peeps tlk to each other for awhile

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: *mom yells * sry guys my mom is still nagging be on in a couple o hours...hopefully

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: wait when was charles a "pimp"

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: sumone answer the question

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: lmao, he wishes!!! hes ben trying to give up pimping for whitney...not doing very well.

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: and who is whitney

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: friend from school poor nica-kun, all alone *snuffles* its just so sad!!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: rite*pretends to understand*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: *mauls monicas head*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *magically fixes itself*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *comet appears out of no where and strikes sponge*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: >:O *turns the comet on monica*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *pulls sponge in front and uses her as a shield*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: *beats monica wiv a stick*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *catches the stick and pulls sponge in the way of the oncoming comet which strikes and imediatly kills her*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: *eats monica*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *monica runs away and bids farewell the the rest of sponge for her mother says "GET OFF!"*

2005-01-06 [spongemonkey]: *points and laughs*

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: what the hell? im gone for a few hours and u two destroy the town!*takes monkey and sponge and points at a burning remain of what used to be a city* bad monkey!bad Sponge! look at this mess!!!go to ur room..*monkey and sponge appear to be puppys and have their tail between their legs going to their beds...*

2005-01-06 [Gone4Eva]: yeah, this wasnt your city to kill

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: hello? im celebrating cause i was this close to going to school

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: when i woke up it was 2 hour delay when i was ready to go i turned on the tv and it said cancled

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: and ghost im no puppy i just have a birth defomity*points and glares*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: its not my fault i was born with a tail!!!!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *cries*i told u not to tell!!

2005-01-06 [Gone4Eva]: mmmmmmm ok*poke her*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: hey!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *pokes back*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: thats not nice

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *cries more*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: now i'm thirsty*chugs a glass of water*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *tear*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: ~*~bored~*~

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *walks away dissapointed*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: no one is here!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: some one get on!!!!!

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *wimper*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *uses magic to strike everybody with comets*

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *starts to leave but turns around* hahahaha i destroyed the town again and ghost cant send me to my room cause there is no room!(i took all the valubles out)

2005-01-06 [Monicuddles]: *leaves*

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: BAD MONKEY BADD!!!!haha the jokes on u....i have an invisible room to send u to...^_^ and ur in it*locks invisble door....and monkey gets mad*lmao=p

2005-01-07 [Gone4Eva]: aguhyhu

2005-01-07 [Monicuddles]: *digs her way out the bottom while a time bomb is in there*

2005-01-07 [Monicuddles]: *she gets out of the way in time when it blows up*

2005-01-07 [peace4all_monkey]: *ghost picks up monkey and pets monkey a treat and there all happy*

2005-01-07 [peace4all_monkey]: *wonders if sponge survived the bomb....asks monkey*

2005-01-07 [sexy fat panda]: Eats chocolate

2005-01-07 [peace4all_monkey]: to vote for ur favorite go to MILKvsWHITEvsOTHERS

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: ghost?

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: you there? sry im late

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: sry im VERY late

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: and i vote milk chocolate

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: im a alone again!

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: it okay! im late too! how was school?

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: *cries*

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: ok

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: sry i cant talk too long

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: you know that pic u sent me? i tried copying it but it won't work

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: ARGG!!! i told all of u!!!!VOTE IN THE BALLADS!!!>.<*throws flamethrower*....i cant count ur vote unless u go to the ballads....did u get my message?

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: did u right click on the image? u do that and go to properties and copy down the url...

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: yes but where is the ballads? remember? not elftown smart, me

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: just click on MILKvsWHITEvsOTHERS then just vote in the comments..if u notice right next to it, it says the ballads....goof

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: ok get on my s/n and put the pic there for me

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: i knew that

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: *thinking*not really

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: hold on ill have to sign off moment pls...

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: im back^_^

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: hello

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: i gt now ok*bids farwell after rebuilding the town*

2005-01-08 [peace4all_monkey]: *calls for her to wait!*

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: yes here now

2005-01-08 [Monicuddles]: and your not how predictable of me*slaps herself*hopes some ones there but is very much alone

2005-01-08 [sexy fat panda]: Hey im here, hugs you better, poor thing!

2005-01-08 [Gone4Eva]: nowwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: hey

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: no ones been here in a while

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: of course

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: YIPEE!!!!SIMS2 IS FINALLY MINE!!!!^_^*minnie me happy dance*

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: *jumps up and down w/ an axe*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: put the deadly weapon down*slowly walks towards ghost*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: PUT IT DOWN AND NO ONE GETS HURT

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: URGLENESSY!!!!*puts axe down into a ball of fire....dances around the a psycho maniac*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *tries to take axe away from ghost*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: did u take your medicine?*pulls out a spare bottle*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *tries to make ghost take her medicine*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *gets glass of water

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: *takes medicine bottle away from her and pretends to take it..instead she takes sugar pills* hey i was thinkin of making a wiki called monkey town...and i was wondering what kind of monkey would i be...i mean ur[Monicuddles] and emilys[spongemonkey] what could i be?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: uh crazy_phsyco_monkey_91

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: hey check out this person, joey_joe77777

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: r u

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: tell me ur opinion

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: uh how about.... ruby_monkey_91

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: hmm....nice.....get sponges second opinion...ill think on it.....u know[joey_joe77777]?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ur opinion

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: yea he is pretty cute

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: wat about the name

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: it came from the top of my head

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: so

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: um...i dont know thats why i asked u...hmm...may[mangomonkey]?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: wat do u tlk about when i am gone

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: i would prefer mango_monkey_91

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: hmm...let me see[mango_monkey_91]

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: but all in all is good

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: yea

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: um...lets see....i tlk about my hatred for mr. roesler...*grrrrr*....ARGG!!!!!....stuff like that...u should check out my math haters united its for math haters like us^_^

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: kool^_^

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: no...wool^_^u should check out[elf3] we used to be real close until i kinda liked someone else at the same time...but now i am damned to live my life it okay to still have feelings for someone that hurt u really bad?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: sully?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: how dare u>_<

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: no...why would u think sully? i never went out w/ him

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: be right back

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: then who?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: WHO!!!!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: TELL ME!!!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: OK BRB

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: koch.....i kinda dont know why but when im lookin out the window in my car...i see his face and idk....WHY ME?!!!>!>!>!>!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: how wdid he hurt me really bad?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: huh

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: question

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: he hurt me?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: how?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/////

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: hurt "me" not was a figure of speach...a ?!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: well i gtg gotta clean my room

2005-01-11 [peace4all_monkey]: hmmm.....why me....he probably still hates me...i hate myself...why was i such a bad girlfriend?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: you wernt a bad girlfriend he was a bad boyfriend

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: he was a bad boyfriend, kelsie, hes a lot nicer this year though. funnier too.

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: yea rite i hated him sinse he broke up wit kelsie

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: i even called him

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: and i yelled at him

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: ^___^ he says he's sorry, and he and I got pretty vicious near the end of last year too.

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: still i wont make peace with him he went out with her because jordan ffluait and tyler convinced him to

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: at least thats what i was told

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: yeah, once you get past the fact that he's a complete and total dip shit, hes almost a decint human being, key word "almost"

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: yea plus he pretended to care about kelsie and dumped her like nothing

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: he is a ass hole!!!!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: he was decent before i left grant wood now he is probly still an ass

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: u go to south east rite?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: cause there will be a girl coming next year i think and her name will be mariah and i want u to be nice to her

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: she looks like she is chinese

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: and plus i want u to be my info getter at S E

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: right-o!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ok so what ever good info u hear i want to know

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: so wats been goin on lately

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: not a lot.

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: not a lot. you?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: no i dont tlk to anybody anymore

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: why?

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: cause the only # i have is jordan and she doesnt call me so if she dont wanna tlk then i wont call

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: and thats it

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: plus now its long distance to call iowa city

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: *points and laughs*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *sobs*

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: *mumble mumble mumble* cheese...*muble*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *cries*

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: *pokes*

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: *cries more*

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: lmao, my work here is done. (belive monica, everyone (save a select few) from g.w. have become total dicks!!!!!!!! XD hell, just about the only people from last year I talk to anymore are Ivy April and Jeanine!!)

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: ya wat about sully does he have g/f?

2005-01-11 [spongemonkey]: lmao, I've talked to him once. only once, and it was a very small conversation, hell!! I dun even know the guy!!!

2005-01-11 [Monicuddles]: good u dont wanna i went out wit him and he broke up wit me cause he got bored and tired of me then he started dating sluts after i left

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